Thursday, March 19, 2009


Now that I work only online no one ever asks how my job is going. True it's the same thing over and over again. I see the same lessons, and all the kids pretty much struggle with the same things, but that doesn't mean I don't have funny stories.
So, even though you didn't ask, here are some funny anecdotes

1. All the kids mispronounce my name. They call me Ms. Weeber, with the long e sound. Just the fact that they can't even read my name correctly shows that they are really lacking in their phonetics skills. It's good I'm here to help.

2. For some reason when I talk into the microphone it distorts my voice. Half the time I end up having a very deep voice, and the other half of the time it makes me sound like a homosexual man. It's pretty funny... especially when the kids always ask, "your name is, Ms. Weber?". They get so confused. And I have a really hard time not laughing at it myself.

3. The students and their parents don't realize I can hear everything that's going on in their house, and I mean everything. I once heard a dad tell me student to just quit working because he didn't have time to wait for her to finish her session so they could go out to eat. The other day I was privy to an entire conversation of about 4 females swearing up a storm. I also hear siblings fighting all the time. You might be amazed at what comes out of these kid's mouths.

So, even though I'm just sitting at home, at my desk, my job can be somewhat interesting at times. Maybe I'll start making a list of all the stupid answers the students give me for my next blog about work. :-)

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