Saturday, July 18, 2009

Princess vs. Tom boy

In a desperate attempt to do something with Ryleigh's wild hair for the parties this weekend I went out and purchased hair elastics, clips, and bows.
This morning she tolerated me brushing her hair and parting it, but as I was trying to put elastics in she started crying. So, I moved on to the bows... which made her cry harder. Then I just tried to get her hair to stay down by wetting it and brushing it, which failed.
So, I decided she had had enough crying so I fed her breakfast.... which she them smudged into her hair.
I combed it out, and try to just clip a little of it back.... which resulted in her screaming and grabbing at my hands trying to push them away.

Lesson of the day: Daddy wins.... Ryleigh seems determined to be a tomboy despite my best efforts to make her a girly princess :-(


JerseyGranny said...

Maybe she will allow you later? I have no advice to give on this since I had all boys and simply shaved their heads in the summer!

Shelly said...

ah, it's too soon to tell! amelie never let me do anything to her hair until she was 3 (of course, she was bald until she was 1.5 =). maeve is pretty tolerent--but then again she's like her daddy and NOT like me =) and amelie is a good mix of tom boy and princess so ryleigh could very well be the same--the best of both worlds! sporty AND fashion conscious!