Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Uh-oh.... I've created a chocoholic

This weekend I may have let Ryleigh eat one too many peanut butter cups. But it was a holiday, so I made the exception. Usually I am very anal about her eating only healthy things because I want to teach her from a young age how to eat properly. I thought that one weekend of exceptions was okay, but boy was I wrong.

This morning Ryleigh was eating her cheerios when she spotted the big bag of Easter candy. She looked at me and said, "please", and I said no. Then she asked again, and again....so I gave in and told her she could have one when she was done with her cheerios.

This was the first time I have ever bargained with my daughter using candy.

I swore to myself I would never do that. I said I would never let her even know what candy is in the first place, so that she continues thinking fruit is dessert (Yes I know that was totally unrealistic). I also swore I would never bargain with my child because I am the parent and I set the rules, and there is no lee-way there.

Sigh: Failure before breakfast is over does not sit well in my stomach.

I know it's not a huge deal, and I'm sure all moms compromise, but I still don't like doing it.

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