Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So supposedly women go through a "nesting stage" in which they get a burst of energy and they decide to clean their house and get ready for the new family member before they go into labor. So, in preparation for my nesting stage I am not cleaning.... what's the point in doing it now when I don't feel like it if I'll go through a phase where I really want to? I'm just going to save it all, haha..... I am such a procrastinator!

The only flaw in my plan is what if I don't go through that stage?

Haha. So for those of you who plan on coming over once the baby is born, please excuse any mess that may be laying around.

And that brings me to another thought. I'm pretty sure I will be the type of person who will want lots of visitors at the hospital and at our house once we get home. If something changes I'll let you know, but for now, having family and close friends around seems nice.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

i'll come visit you =)