Thursday, March 5, 2009

Not what you'd expect

Tonight we went out for dinner with the wonderful gift card Ryan earned for reffing salao. We went to Five Guys for burgers, and 99 for dessert. Yum yum.... I definitely ate too much! Afterward we wanted to walk around somewhere to relieve the extremly full feeling in our stomachs, so I suggested going to Home Depot.

That's right, my closet full of clothes and shoes might make me look like a total girly girl, but really I have a lot more interests. For example, Home Depot gets me so excited! I dream about building my own house, and creating wonderful landscaping, and a beautiful backyard. I love looking at the model kitchens, and the doors, and the lighting. Designing houses is kind of a hobby, except I only get to design them on Sims.

Todays trip was more exciting than usual because we were planning on what to do with our backyard once we get it. Patio sets, fire pits, vegetable gardens, flower boxes, lighted walkways..... oh the possibilities....


JerseyGranny said...

Oh, I know just how you feel!

Anonymous said...

Dangerous place - Lowes and Home Depot - especially when you have a house that could use improvements!! It is nice to dream and have a vision!