Thursday, October 14, 2010

Life might be a little more bearable now

We have had many grievances with our downstairs neighbors, as I'm sure I've mentioned one too many times in this blog.
The latest, however, being that they let their front door slam shut. Everytime they do they shake our whole apartment. It used to be that we had knickknacks on one of the walls, and things would shift so much they would eventually fall off their shelves. It's extremely annoying! Especially since they come and go a lot... I'm talking about every 5 minutes, without the tiniest bit of exaggeration. seriously.

Anyway, for months now I've sat and let anger build up in me every single time I got shook up on my couch. I am so not a confrontational person! I will let a problem build up until it absolutely explodes, rather than nip it in the bud. But, today I decided to leave a little note in our neighbor's mailbox.

All I said was please don't let your door slam shut, it shakes our entire apartment. And I closed it with a nice "Thank You", hoping that my nice manners would help the situation.

So far these people have been very when you walk by them on the sidewalk they look the other way type of people... even though I have tried to say "Hi".

So I was very surprised when the mom came and knocked on my door to apologize. She said they weren't aware the door would shake our apartment. So I very nicely said, "It's ok, I just wanted to inform you of the situation because I figured you hadn't realized it would shake it so hard". Overall it was a pleasant exchange, especially considering it was our very first conversation ever.

Then I was even more surprised when the ever more unsociable/unfriendly daughter came up to apologize as well! Again, the conversation went nicely, and I am so thankful that they are now aware of the problem.

Hopefully now our living situation in this place will be a little nicer


Micayla said...

Nevermind that last statement.... the neighbors are now having another one of their screaming matches :-( So much for peace and quiet

Shelly said...

when we lived in fox meadow our downstairs neighbors were atrocious too. when they were home the only way they talked was by screaming. they would BLAST MUSIC SO LOUD (at 2-4 am) that our floor, walls, bed, EVERYTHING shook. there was something wrong with them---drugs? i don't know but i DO know that sucky downstairs neighbors suck. i'm sorry =(

Deborah said...

Aw! I hear you! Glad they were so nice about it. I've been thinking about writing a note to the downstairs neighbors about them blasting music from around 1-5 in the morning, especially since Dan is a light sleeper and it always wakes him up.