Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A perfect Monday

Here's a pic of Ryleigh riding a pony at the zoo. She absolutely loves riding! I think this was her 5th pony ride, which is a lot considering she's only 2, but I just love seeing the look on her face, so I keep treating her to more rides!

Yesterday was so wonderful. After 3 weeks of Ryan only being off on Sunday he finally got a 2 day weekend! I have been going insane dealing with 2 kids all the time, and not getting a break, so it was extra nice having him here.
We spent the day at the zoo and had a very nice time together as a family. It was our first fun outing as a family of four. Of course Xander slept through the whole thing, but that kind of made it easier.

After the zoo we had more paperwork to sign for the house (does it ever end?), and we went grocery shopping. Those were not so fun, but it was a relief to get that paperwork signed because it puts us one step closer to actually owning our house!

I just love having my husband home, and spending some good quality time with him yesterday made me appreciate and love him even more!

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Ditto to that! Love the pic, too cute!