Friday, October 31, 2008

Future Flyers Fan?

Ryan and I got to go to a Flyers game last night. It was pretty exciting since they won in over time. And although I'm not a huge hockey fan I can appreciate the intensity of a tied game, in over time. But I have to say, I think Ryleigh enjoyed it more. She kicked and cheered every time they scored!!
Or maybe it was because she's at the stage where she reacts to outside sounds, and loud ones make her jump....... but I'll just keep telling Ryan it's cause she'll be a Flyers fan. :-)


Anonymous said...

I think its because she will be just like her cousins - wild and crazy!!!


JerseyGranny said...

My grandchildren, born and unborn, are precious angels.

JerseyGranny said...

...Not wild and crazy children!

Micayla said...

haha..... I'm really hoping she's not wild and crazy. I don't have the energy for it! But judging from her cousins, I think she's going to be pretty crazy.

Anonymous said...

Why thank you! What a compliment! : )