Saturday, November 15, 2008

A life changing decision??

I think it's funny when people ask me if I'm nervous about how much life will change once we have a baby. Honestly, I don't see it changing all that much.

I've discovered recently that we don't do much. During the week we're both so tired from work that we just like to eat dinner and then stay inside and relax. We usually watch some tv or play a board game.
The weekends are full of soccer, which Ryleigh will just have to learn to love, and hanging out with friends. And now all the people we really hang out with have babies, so they know what it's like to try and have a social life with kids and we will hopefully be able to hang out around the babies' schedules. Other than that, the only thing I see Ryleigh really having an affect on is the amount of sleep we get..... I'm just hoping she takes after both me and Ryan and she's lazy and loves to sleep. haha.
I already do an average of 30 diapers a day and it really doesn't affect me anymore. I am used to having snot and spit up on my shirts and in my hair. I am also used to trying to keep multiple babies happy all day, so I'm thinking just dealing with one will be a breeze.

But, I am inexperienced and have no clue what kind of affect a baby will have on our lives.... I'm just hoping it won't be too much of an adjustment.


Shelly said...

oh it ever an adjustment. a really good adjustment but a BIG one.

Anonymous said...

An adjustment is what is done to your car.
A child does not change your life - you actually did not have a life until you have a child!!!
Remember, raising children is not a job - ITS AN ADVENTURE!!!!

You and Ryan will do a great job!!

JerseyGranny said...

It is definitely an adjustment. Most everyone gets through it and you and Ryan will be no exception. You'll do just fine...sleep-deprived, but fine. One thing for'll have no regrets!!!