Monday, December 8, 2008

A much needed refresher

Today at work something wonderful happened.
I have this student named Julia. She is over 2 years old, she is supposed to be in the older classroom because of her age. However, Julia has problems with her legs. The doctors tried to fix the problems but it was kind of doubtful that she would ever walk. They said her legs are too weak to support her, and they wouldn't function properly. So, Julia has been held back. She was actually in the infant room until last month because she could only crawl everywhere and by sending her to the toddler room they were afraid she would get trampled on.

Well, Julia has been making progress. She's stood up by holding on to things. Last week she started standing up without any support. And today she walked!! She took about 10 steps several times today. The look on the her face was priceless today. She was absolutely beaming. I teared up. The other teachers were in awe.

It was just so nice to experience something like that. It made me remember why I am in the line of work that I am.

When I was in college I had a student at Sylvan who doctors said would never learn how to talk. Well, he learned how to talk, read, and do math. It was amazing to be a part of something that people said would be impossible.

In what other kind of job can you help a sweet little child beat the odds like that? I definitely needed that reminder today.


JerseyGranny said...

Children are amazing spurred by the dedication and love of their teachers...YOU!

Anonymous said...

And they told us that Josh should be institutionalized for autism and Naomi would always have learning difficulties. Just goes to show that God knows best, not man!!