Monday, January 31, 2011

Karma please!

I don't really believe in Karma, but it sure would be nice if it were true. I feel like we've just had a string of bad luck, so we should have some good luck heading our way. Especially in the housing department.
In the Spring of 2009 I fell in love with a farmhouse. It was so cute, and exactly what I've always wanted. We signed a lease, packed up the apartment, and then, 2 days before moving day found out the landlord wouldn't let us move in. Instead he bulldozed that charming home and to this day I mourn it's loss every time I drive by the empty lot.
So we ended up having to move to another apartment complex. Over the past year and a half we have dealt with maintenance problem after maintenance problem. Finally culminating in a leaky roof that can't be fixed until the summer... hence the very, very, last minute move we went through this weekend! Craziness.
Now we will have our current apartment until July, at which point we will hopefully be moving into our very first house.
I can't help but feel that after the 2 previous nightmares we deserve a nice easy house buying process in which the perfect house suddenly becomes available at a super low price. Everything should go smoothly, without so much as a ripple in the process.
If only life was fair...

But for now I will content myself with celebrating the fact that my fears of having to deal with 2 kids to bring up and down the stairs to our second floor apartment is taken care of! Yay for living on the first floor!

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