Saturday, February 5, 2011

Our new apartment

The first thing Ryleigh said this morning was, "we're in our new apartment. This one is not leaking".

I can't believe it was one week ago that we were moving. It seems a lot longer than that. Probably because this apartment is identical to the other one, so it doesn't feel like much of a change. However, it is a mirror image of the old one. For the most part it was an easy adjustment... except for when we try to find things in the kitchen. It's so confusing!

Poor Ryleigh is still confused. Every morning she turns the wrong way out of her bedroom. She was so used to turning left to get to the living room, but now she has to turn right.

I hate how all the baby books tell you to keep life normal, and don't make any extreme changes in your toddler's life before a new sibling comes along...
We moved last week, and we're planning on moving again within the next 5 months. Ryleigh's whole world will be turned upside down :-(

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