We met with the nutritionist today and I finally left a doctor's office feeling hopeful.
We got a lot of supplements, and other ideas on how to add the extra calories Ryleigh needs to her diet. I am thankful for the nutritionist's help on learning how to give Ry more calories and fat, but in a healthy manner.
I was surprised that we actually need to be more strict about meal times. (I've always thought I was too strict, now I hear I have to be even more strict... crazy). I never expected to hear the nutritionist tell us that if Ry doesn't want to eat her dinner then we are supposed to just take her away from the table, and just allow her to not eat dinner! I was also pleasantly surprised to learn that I have been doing well as far as not being a short order cook, and just making tons and tons of different foods until Ryleigh finds something she wants (at least I'm doing something right here!).
We have to always have super fattening foods in the house, such as heavy cream. And I will have to learn how to make things like regular mashed potatoes for us, and extra-fat mashed potatoes for Ryleigh. It seems like a whole lot more work, and a ton of extra money to stick to this Ryleigh-friendly diet, but somehow we will have to make it work.
I am glad that it seems like Ry just has a calorie defecit. It seems like a very easy fix to this very stressful problem!
We have a regular pediatrician appointment on the 11th, at which point we will see if her weight improves.