Today I just can't help but think about last year at this time. On this date I had peed on a stick and I saw 2 lines. I was pregnant!
I remember smiling, then laughing, then crying. I stood in the mirror and looked at myself. I didn't look any different, but my whole world had changed. It was something I had been hoping for for so long.
After I had settled my emotions I remember all I could think about was a creative way to tell Ryan. He was at work, so I had some time. I seriously scoured the internet trying to come up with fun ideas. It took me a while but I thought of a cute one. I ran to Target and bought him a Phillies T-shirt, and I bought a Phillies onesie. I wrapped them up in a box and texted Ryan telling him I had a surprise for him.
When he got home he was looking for brownies cause that's what he thought the surprise would be. Haha. I handed him the box, he unwrapped it and saw the Phillies T-shirt on top. So, I'm pretty sure he was thinking, "Well, that's random". Then I told him to keep digging. Then he saw the onesie with a cute little bib. He was probably really confused at that point. So then I took out the pregnancy test and showed him :-) All he could do was smile. And I'm pretty sure he did that for my benefit cause I think he was really in shock at that point!
It funny how we were trying to get pregnant, but the feelings I experienced when it actually happened were so unexpected and wonderful.
I think the hardest part about that day was not immediately calling everyone I knew to tell them the good news. It was so hard to wait 10 weeks till we told them... I don't know how anyone could wait any longer than that. I know you're supposed to wait till at least 12 weeks, but geez, it's just so exciting!
And now I enjoy every minute of every day with my beautiful blessing :-)